Truth Gatherers Dream Center
About Truth Gatherers Dream Center
Truth Gatherers Dream Center Church (TGDC) is a Spirit filled, non-denominational, and multi-generational church established in 2008, that is now the home church of 300 plus members (adults and children). We uphold to an upright teaching/preaching style with classical pulpit etiquette to allow for “speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear”. We have a heart for outreach, to touch lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ without regard for racial barriers and encourage each person to discover their Godly purpose and ministry gifts. Organizationally, the “Dream Center” is the apostolic home/mother church for additional church plants established by the Truth Gatherers Network. Currently, the network has additional facilities in Monticello, FL (Victorious Church) and Carrabelle, FL.
In a nutshell, TGDC is led by a Senior Pastor, receives internal oversight by a Board of Directors and believes in the effective use of church government and the deployment of ministry leaders (five-fold ministers, and ordained and lay church leaders) to fulfill our mission. Truth Gatherers is affiliated with Covenant Fellowship International (CFI) for ministry mentorship and accountability. CFI is led by Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin, leader and founder of The Potter’s House International Ministries in Jacksonville, Fl.
Core Beliefs
Below are the core beliefs of Truth Gatherers. By these beliefs, Truth Gatherers operates and
flows as a unified church, and as a productive member of the Body of Christ.
Personal Relationship– Everyone has a right to have an encountered with Jesus Christ,
in which He reveals himself as Lord and Savior and the person accepts that truth as a way
of life. John 3:16-17
Repentance – Repentance is necessary for being in proper relationship with the Father.
Repentance requires the acknowledgement and admission of wrong doing, leading to a
change of heart, mind, and behavior. We believe that water baptism is to be completed
immediately or shortly after one has confessed their sins and accept Jesus Christ as Lord
and Savior. 1 John 1:5-10, Acts 2:38
The Blood of Christ – The judgment of our sins were paid for by Jesus Christ on the
cross of Calvary and through his blood we have redemption for all past, present, and
future sins. As believers of Jesus Christ, we observed Holy Communion as a sacrament of
the church. Romans 5:6-11, I Corinthians 11:24-28.
The Word of God – The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word
of God and is the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. The word of
God is also the Divine Constitution and final authority for Christian faith and life. It is
without error (infallible) and will always be relevant to the present age. 2 Timothy 3:16
Holy Spirit – Every person who has repented and has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior is a candidate to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost also called the
Holy Spirit or the Comforter, comes to leads us to faith in Jesus Christ and gives us the
ability to live a Christian life. John 14:16-26, Acts 1:8, Acts 19:1-6
Salvation – The salvation that God has brought us through Jesus Christ is more than a
one-time experience. God’s plan for his people includes repentance, baptism of the Holy
Ghost, proper relationship with the local church, the rapture and second coming of the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. John 10:7-10, Hebrews 10:20-25